Klimt. La Secessione e l’Italia

110 years after he took part in the 1911 International Art Exhibition, Gustav Klimt returns to Italy.
This exhibition marks the return to Italy of some of his masterpieces from the Belvedere Museum in Vienna, the Klimt Foundation and public and private collections such as the Neue Galerie Graz.
The exhibition traces Klimt's life and artistic production, underlining his role as co-founder of the Viennese artistic and cultural revolution and exploring the relationship between Klimt and Italy, the destination of his travels and the site of some of his exhibition successes.
The exhibition includes iconic works such as the famous Judith I, Lady in White, Friends I (The Sisters) and Amalie Zuckerkandl, as well as exceptional loans such as The Bride from the Klimt Foundation and Portrait of a Lady, stolen from the Galleria Ricci Oddi in Piacenza in 1997 and fortunately recovered in 2019.
From 27 October 2021 to 27 March 2022
From Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 20.00.
Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 22.00
From Thursday 24 March to Sunday 27 March 2022 10.00-24.00 (last admission one hour earlier)
1st November and 8th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th December 10.00-22.00
The ticket office closes one hour earlier
24 and 31 December 10.00 - 14.00
Closed December 25th, January 1st
ALWAYS CONSULT THE ADVISORY PAGE before planning your visit to the museum.
€ 13,00 full price
€ 11,00 concessions
€ 4.00 special school ticket per pupil (pre-purchase compulsory exclusively by calling 06 82077777, free admission for one accompanying teacher for every 10 pupils)
€ 22,00 family special (2 adults plus children under 18)
During the weekend, online pre-purchase of the exhibition is strongly recommended
EXHIBITION AUDIO GUIDE available in Italian and English € 5,00
Thanks to an agreement with the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art - where Klimt's work The Three Ages of Woman is exhibited - visitors will show the Klimt exhibition ticket. The Secession and Italy will enjoy the reduced ticket € 7,00 for a visit to the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art. The reduced ticket € 11,00 to the Klimt exhibition will also be granted. The Secession and Italy to visitors who will present the ticket for the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art. This reduction cannot be combined with other forms of discounts provided by the two museums.
The exhibition is not free of charge on the first Sunday of the month.
For more detailed information please consult the page: Tickets Information
Info at 060608 every day ( from 9.00 to 19.00)
Reservations for groups and schools: 06 82077777 (fromo 9.00 to 19.00)
Promoted by
Roma Culture, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Curated by
Franz Smola, Belvedere curator
Maria Vittoria Marini Clarelli, Capitoline Supervisor for Cultural Heritage
Sandra Tretter, Vice-Director of the Klimt Foundation in Vienna
Co-produced by Arthemisia
Organisation Arthemisia with Zètema Progetto Cultura
In partnership with Belvedere Museum
In cooperation with Klimt Foundation
Main sponsor ACEA
Special partner Julius Meinl and Ricola
Partner Catellani & Smith
Radio partner Dimensione Suono Soft
Media coverage by Sky Arte
Press Room
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