
Arte, gioielleria, design
10/03 - 08/05/2016
Museo di Roma

Serpenyiform will be inaugurated today, in the expositive rooms of Palazzo Braschi. It is an exhibition dedicated to the many creative forms that the snake has represented in arts, from jewellery to design.
Bulgari’s tribute to the millenarian symbol and trough an eclectic and suggestive route starting from antiquity to nowdays.

The exhibition SerpentiForm, promoted by “Roma Capitale-Sovraintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali” is curated by Lucia Boscani, Bulgari’s Heritage Curator, and by the Brand Department Heritage of the Maison.  As a symbol of seduction, rebirth and transformation, the symbol of the snake has merged for centuries within the history of Humanity, grasping the imaginary both in the East as in the West. Since the antiquity, the ability of the snake as an animal able to renew itself and to change its skin, to keep its contact with the earth and at the same time to elevate  itself, to sinuosly enroll or to fight some predators, eliminated all myths and legends inspiring the artistic production in many fields.
In the exhibition there are some ancient jewels coming from Pompei, from the Archeological museum of Naples, the creations Serpenti of Bulgari’s historical Archive, the contemporary works of art, the photos and the artistic illustrations, the vintage, the theatre and the cinema dresses, the design objects. The various aspects of a new  to be interpretated in a realistic way each time more realistic or stylised, emphasizing the powerful symbolc way or the sinuosity and the grace.


Museo di Roma
Opening hours

Tuesday-Sunday; 10.00 a.m-7.00 p.m
The ticket office closes one hour before

N.B. for possible openings and/or special closures consult the page dedicated to the Notice

Closing days: Monday, 25 december, 1 january, 1 may

Entrance ticket

Every  first Sunday of each month, free entrance in the museums of the system for all the residents in Roma Capitale and the Metropolitan Area (by the exhibition of a  di valid document certiyfing their residence).
Normal ticket € 11,00
Reduced ticket € 9,00

For the residents in Roma Capitale (by the exhibition of a valid document certiyfing their residence).

Normal ticket € 10,00
Reduced ticket € 8,00

Free entrances and reductions



Buy on line

(The  printed reservation ticket  gives the right to  jump the line at the ticket office and to collect your entrance ticket)
From  27 august 2014 has been approved  the new price to enter to the museums of “ Sistema Musei Civici di Roma Capitale”.


060608 every day from 9.00 a.m – to 9.00 p.m

Exhibition|Architecture and Design, Exhibition|Applied Arts
Web site
Promotor Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali di Roma Capitale, BVLGARI Museum service Zètema Progetto Cultura Sponsor Sistema Musei Civici Mastercard Priceless Rome Technical sponsorViabizzuno Srl Italia
Museo di Roma
Educational resources for all
Museo di Roma
Educational resources for all
Museo di Roma
Educational resources for all

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